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it was fun while it lasted
Origami was around for about a year...and probably didn't have a name for most of that time...

Three members of Origami were in a noisy Milwaukee band called Gooseneck from 1996-98. Once they played a show at the Cactus Club with a band called End of Whitaker, which was Davey von Bohlen's brother's band and featured an army of guitars. Mitch Dries was playing one of those guitars and that's how everyone met. Several months later, Gooseneck was no more, but the three members still wanted to play together, and Mitch wanted to play with them, and they wanted him to join, and the rest is run-on-sentence history.

The band existed from the fall of '98 until the summer of '99.
or maybe excruciating is a better word
members of the band included:

Eugene III - guitar
Mitch Dries - guitar
Dennis Schimd - bass
Dan Lutes - drums & percussion

These four guys composed indie-math-rock tunes that were heavy, melodic, beautiful, and too complex to really have much fun while playing. Most of the songs didn't have any vocals because they were too hard to play without singing, so we never got around to writing the vocals for them. But a few of them had some screaming. If you like Fugazi, Managra, Figurehead and Shellac, you probably would have liked Origami.
hey look, it's Mitch!

Origami played one show
there was one live performance at the Bremen House in Milwaukee with Triztesa and the Faint.

Origami also recorded five songs that will see the light of day eventually. They just need to be mixed down from 16-track 1" reels (and maybe some day Mitch and Eugene III will get together and finish writing some vocals so they're not just a collection of mathy instrumentals.

We all stay busy though
Mitch has solo projects aplenty, Eugene III has the Etiquette, and Dan has Mariamante, the Fireflies, and the good thief.


Listen to Origami

copyright 2002 origamiband